Prayer List
Friends and relatives of those who are suffering offer the names of their dear ones for
our compassion and daily prayers. The list is maintained by Patty C.,
who can be reached by completing and submitting the form below.
This list is then emailed to the congregation
with a request to add with the concerns that are on the hearts of our members to our daily prayers.
our compassion and daily prayers. The list is maintained by Patty C.,
who can be reached by completing and submitting the form below.
This list is then emailed to the congregation
with a request to add with the concerns that are on the hearts of our members to our daily prayers.
Main Entrance:
433 North Orange Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 Mailing Address: 434 North Iowa St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 Church office: 760.728.2908 Regular Office Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm Tuesdays & Thursdays |